Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I Think There's Something Wrong With Me

12:30 pm EDIT: Did you hear a howl of indignation and frustration around 9 a.m.?
THEY WON'T LET YOU KNIT! NO KNITTING NEEDLES OF ANY TYPE. You may use a plastic crochet hook....and that's it. Out of the 50 people sitting there, six women were knitting. Every one of us groaned and drooped when told knitting needles are not allowed in the court room. I'm sure the psychic knitter's scream must have been heard round the globe....

I did manage 3.5 rows on The Braids while jury orientation went on...and I'm taking a book back after lunch.
End edit......

I have jury duty today....and I'm excited.

Because I can knit....

Folks have shared with me how boring it all was...what a hassle...blah, blah, blah.

My mind works a little differently:

"Hmmm...my boss pays the diff between my so-called compensation from the court and my 'real' wage...so I'm not losing money...I get to be away from work and get paid...I CAN KNIT!!!!....this sounds mighty fine to me!"

I officially have JD until Feb 13...knowing my luck, how much ya wanna bet they don't call me during the tiny bit of Kntting Olympics that falls in that time?


Anonymous said...

You're not alone. This morning I was aghast to find myself hoping for a little "parking lot" traffic so I could knit during my commute to work. That is so pathetic.

I am happy/sad to report that I actually had a smooth, short commute.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a healthy, red-blooded knitter to me. To knit and get paid at the same time...bliss.

Anonymous said...

There is no justice in a justice system that does not permit knitting, only cruel and unusual punishment!

Anonymous said...

Cruel and unusual punishment to be sure...Sorry chickie!