Friday, January 20, 2006

Lassoing the Moon

Am I a Sunnfleupagus? Ryan says she needs to know.

Uh...yes (mostly) and no (a little).
  • You aren't obsessed with neatness. Uh...if you've seen my already know this.
  • You know when to be logical but you aren't afraid to explore your dreams and desires.
  • You are both somewhat introverted.
  • Like Snuffy, you probably like to have some time to yourself.


  • Moves slowly....I speak fast, walk fast, think fast. Drives those around me nuts.
  • Organized....Not.


I have ordered the wool for Rogue...after much angst because I can't make up my mind and I second guess myself to death, I ordered Austermann Naturwolle in the Stone colorway. So, dark gray instead of light gray....think it'll be any better Ryan?

So...I am sort of not staying within the boundaries of my "knit my stash down by 50%" if I'm adding yarn, aye? However, I do not plan to add more stash...but, then again...the majority of my stash enhancement is impulse...planning rarely enters into the equation.

With all the Jaywalker mania...I have to admit...I'm getting sock fever again. Good thing I have so much sock yarn, isn't it? I MUST, however, MAKE myself finish the Cat Bordhi socks before I cast on again for socks. I have half a sock to go to finish the pair. I set them down when I moved (last April) and never picked them up again.

In non-knitting news, I had my CPAP titration done Wednesday night. That means, I went back to the Sleep lab for another overnight stay - this time using the CPAP. They monitored me and adjusted the pressure. The next day, I picked up my CPAP. Now having slept two nights with it, I can already feel a surge in my energy's pretty amazing. Getting used to sleeping with it however, will just take time. Once I fall asleep, I'm fine. It's getting there that's the problem.

Interestingly (to me anyway)...when I was getting my CPAP machine..the lady looked through my paperwork and said "Holy Smoke! You have an Epworth of 20!" I looked blank and said..."Oh?....what does that mean?"

She replied "Well, I have worked with patients with Epworths of 10 who have fallen asleep at the wheel and had accidents. At 20, I can't imagine you have much quality of must want to sleep constantly."

I thought about it for a moment and said that actually, I do what I want...I lead a pretty full, busy life, but that I am really, really sick of being tired all the time.

When she handed me the machine, she smiled and said, "If you have done this well with this severe of a couple of weeks, you are gonna be able to lasso the moon."

Here's hoping she's right! Have a lovely weekend...


purlewe said...

sleep well this weekend. And good luck with your rogue to be. :)

I still need to decide on what I am knitting. I am meeting with the bride I want to knit a shawl for to see if she likes the yarn I picked. If not then I might knit a sweater.

Chris said...

What a fabulously inspiring thing for her to tell you. :)

Wow, Rogue? Brave brave brave. I'm still trying to figure out what to do...

Anonymous said...

BLING's CPAP is a life saver (both hers and mine). Sure there are the arguments (she want's me to call her Maverick, I insist she's Goose) but the difference in her quality of life is great. Really mine is too - her snoring is more than I can sleep through, but couch banishment is hard on the relationship. She has tried two different face masks and the nasal pillow style and I bet she'd give you info if you like. Best of luck, and happy napping!