Thursday, February 16, 2006

Time's a'tickin....

Seen the countdown clock over at Yarn Harlots? Makes me even more sure I am not going to finish this thing, but I've been working on it anyway.

Working on my third repeat of the body, where you knit rows 33-38 six times. So far, both times I hit the cable row...I forgot it and had to tink back to the side cables and cross them. Three balls of yarn gone. My plan of carting around the sleeves and knitting them when I had time? Nice plan, not working.

Part of it...I'm sick. Not sure if it's a virus...or stress manifesting itself. Likely a little of both. I feel achy...and cranky....and like my head is full of cement.

I do have a couple pics to prove I'm knitting tho. Taken with daughter's cell phone, so they are not exactly high art, but you get the can see them here.


Chris said...

Sorry you're feeling unwell. :( I can see that knitting Rogue with a head full of cement could be very difficult. Sending healthy thoughts your way...

Anonymous said...

You're in good company, darlin'. I'll be posting later, and you can see how little I've gotten done.

P.S. Post me off-blog about why you have to move, 'kay? If you wanna.